or Life at the Bottom of the Heap

Just like the blog itself this name was either a good idea or a bad one. I'm your average disability benefit claiment, 30, married, A-levels and an HND. I worked and studied till I became to ill to do it anymore and was forced to join the so called 'underclass'. It's a horrible unfair description - the number of times I have heard the words 'Well I didn't mean people like you! In all honesty most ARE people like me, this blog won't change the world but I hope to let you into the hidden secret parts of mine that most people ignore. Hope you stay along for the ride because as bumpy as it has been so far - with the present government it's going to get much much worse.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing

So I've been away quite a while, a lot has been happening my my life, and it's not the kind of things I started this to blog about. However I'm sure things are going to get rather interesting from here on in - and I mean interesting in that my life is about to become a never ending cycle of stress, assessments, appeals and legal home work.
I'm being migrated from incapacity benefit to ESA. It might not seem like a lot to those who don't know, but just read the blog, read my journey and you will see how ill thought out government policy can have a devastating impact on the ground. The people it is effecting are essentially hidden, they are ill and they are poor and they don't have many resources available to them, or options to register their distress. They are a part of our society but are one step removed from it by barriers most people wouldn't even consider. Some are financial, some physical, some are health related and some are down to the vast majority of the general public acting like a troupe of the three monkeys.
Remember the Asylums, remember care in the community, remember the children sent to Australia stolen from their parents, now we have ESA and it's already leading to horrible personal tragedies. I won't be one of those, I'm not dying and I don't have current mental health problems, this process is unlikely to be fatal to me, or to make my death anything but peaceful. That is why I am in a position to tell you about it, to make you aware of what is hidden where you don't see, you don't hear and we can't ordinarily speak.

Here are some personal accounts of how the state is terrorising sick and dying people in Britain today.


All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing
I'd like to add to Tolstoy in that it also requires good people to not ignore what is happening below their usual radar, underneath them at the bottom, in the underclass.