or Life at the Bottom of the Heap

Just like the blog itself this name was either a good idea or a bad one. I'm your average disability benefit claiment, 30, married, A-levels and an HND. I worked and studied till I became to ill to do it anymore and was forced to join the so called 'underclass'. It's a horrible unfair description - the number of times I have heard the words 'Well I didn't mean people like you! In all honesty most ARE people like me, this blog won't change the world but I hope to let you into the hidden secret parts of mine that most people ignore. Hope you stay along for the ride because as bumpy as it has been so far - with the present government it's going to get much much worse.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


I have been away a long time, a lot of personal things have changed in my life again and I have fought for all my entitlements, money for care, to live, adequate housing and assistance to live also. We will be moving for the second time in two years to yet more adapted accommodation. The house we were given first time around wasn't adequate for my needs. This time however I'm having difficulty finding help to move, as the community care grant has been abolished. I have family who can help me move my things, goodness knows how those without people to help are managing. We could have been left with a choice between staying put in inadequate housing and leaving most of our worldly goods with no way to replace them. We are also now subject to bedroom tax, this won't change when we move as my needs haven't changed and we are having to pay money towards our council tax as well. This is just really a clandestine way to cut benefits without the headlines. People fall so easily for a line about how they pay x y and z so should claimants. It's the politics of envy and makes a mockery of the "this is the minimum the government says you need to live on" that is at the bottom of almost every income related benefits letter you get. Can you imagine the outcry if a 'because we fancy it' tax of 10% was placed onto the 'squeezed middle' or pensioners? I'd be among the first trying to help campaign about the unfairness, I remember the abolition of the 10p tax band. We went from subsistence to a spiral of debt and difficulty all of a sudden. This time we are managing but that money we are now paying on rent and council tax, under previous governments was allocated for care and mobility. The outcome is we go fewer places and can afford less of the things that make being disabled easier. I am awaiting my reassessment, I filled out the paper work in February this year and have yet to hear anything. We have a new member in the family and I feel ready to start blogging again. I'll be posting soon the conversation that reignited my anger at the current climate of hate against the disabled and especially those in need of financial assistance. Most of us are the survivors of casual discrimination, and I think probably all of us, carers and people with disabilities, visible, invisible, chronic and progressive have heard "Oh but I don't mean YOU" I'm here to say IT'S STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH!